Facing brickssEptEm 9002

Technical data sheets

Color description
The colour is cream white
Manufacturing dimensions (L x W x H)
ca. 227x73x55 mm (LxWxH)
Quantity / m² with a traditional joint
63 (12 mm)
Number / m² with a thin joint
71 (6 mm)


Search by city

Reference list sEptEm 9002
Postal code City Street Bond Joint Joint colour Window Roofing Remarks
8573 Anzegem Tieboutslaan 5 Random bond
8510 Bellegem Bellegemsestraat 253 Random bond 12 mm
8600 Diksmuide Ijzerdijk 2 Random bond 10 mm
1500 Halle Ninoofsesteenweg 61 Random bond No joint
8800 Roeselare Meensesteenweg 406-408 Random bond 10 mm
9100 Sint-Niklaas Broedersstraat links van 74 Random bond 10 mm
8630 Veurne Rozendalstraat-Noordburgweg Random bond 12 mm
9930 Zomergem Ter Wal - Blauwersstraat Random bond 12 mm
9620 Zottegem Zuidstraat 36 Random bond No joint
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