Winner 'Silver Award'
Category: Commercial & Public Places



Synchroon BV


BUITENOM | ontwerp openbare ruimte


SeptimA Graphite
SeptimA Anthracite
SeptimA Vanilla
SeptimA Titaan


Foto's: © Luuk Kramer

Contrasting pattern of SeptimA clay pavers bring colour to Kieke-Boe district square in Amsterdam

Variety is the key with picnic area, sun terrace and trail for scooters



IJburg has gained a new district square in the form of ‘Kieke-Boe’! The elongated district square has a 'hiding place' in the form of the letters 'BOE' , a picnic area under the trees and a waterside sun terrace. The play area is designed for younger children (substructure). They can ride their scooters and go-carts between the letters and down the sloping surface. The sun terrace is located down beside the water – facing south, of course – with seating incorporated in the steps and a large decorative planter.

For most of the day and the year, the district square is in shadow and leads down to the water. Algae have free rein here. Buitenom chose a combination of warm dark clay pavers which fit in with the colour pallet of the surrounding buildings. In order to liven up this shady square, they looked for a way to introduce more ‘sparkle’ to the square (as well as in the water nearby).

Buitenom found 3 beautiful clay pavers for creating this effect from Vande Moortel, namely an unsanded Titan, a glossy Graphite and a sanded Anthracite. Between these warm dark bricks, a diamond-shaped pattern has been created using the Vanilla clay paver. This diamond shape was inspired by the angles of the surrounding architecture.
It also ties in with the sloping surface of the nearby play area, forming a continuous trail for little ones to explore on their bicycles and scooters. The area where the smooth Vanilla changes to lines marks the boundary between the public space which is maintained by the Municipality and the margin strip which the Owners’ Association is responsible for looking after. While this subtle transition clearly distinguishes the parts to be maintained by the different parties, the area still remains a visual whole. The section between the margin strip and the play area is accessible for a fire truck.

Thanks to the unique and creative design, an exception has been permitted to the Puccini method (a standard for squares and streets in Amsterdam).

Comparable case studies


DecimA Graphite clay pavers add a playful touch and variety to the project

In summer 2017 the ZuidBoulevard was officially opened with a large public festival. The boulevard is a unique promenade offering visitors and residents a mix of functions. Along it you will find the new city library, three apartment buildings and various shops.